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  • The Spirited Witch San Francisco USA (map)

Diana has the honor of returning to Convocation as a featured presenter. She will be teaching the following classes, times variable up to the day of the convention:

How does the city priest thing work, anyway?

Several people who attended last year's ritual in Detroit had many valid questions about how that ritual was possible when Diana was not the city priest to Detroit and did not live nearby or have close ties. The short answer was that the city asked. The long answer is a deeper discussion on the nature of calling, how animistic spirits communicate, and at what point city spirits shift from egregore to an animistic spirit, and recognizing spiritual impulse as opposed to inner voice. A city priest is a complicated state that chooses you but refuses anyone who might directly seek the role. Let's talk about this role that existed as far back as ancient Sumer that has disappeared from awareness but never truly went away in practice.

Ritual: Coming back to earth, coming back to water

As Convocation arrives at its new home, let us take the opportunity to connect to the small but clear-voiced city of Ypsilanti and the Ypsilanti River. In this practice that starts in the hotel and is to be completed at the Ypsilanti River at the discretion of those who attend, we will be guided through meditation and gentle movement to converse with the river about what it needs for sustenance and how that sustenance flows out into Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor.

A ritual for nourishment and balance; be prepared for an animistic style of practice.

Spiritual Identification in the Field

Learn how to identify spirits when you encounter them in this experiential workshop led by Diana Rajchel and Synty Boehm. Starting with an overview of the laws of hospitality and the modalities by which we receive spiritual information, we will then move to practice those modalities on identifying spirits that have agreed to be present and detectable.

Diana Rajchel and Synty Boehm, in cooperation with a variety of spirits that consent to participation, will invoke a series of beings. Diana will show you ways to identify a spirit by moving through different modalities. (bring in an old copy from a prior workshop.)

February 16


May 8

ONLINE: Alternative Fertility Magick